When perfect is the enemy of good – Suggestions for a pragmatic approach to accessibility

Thematic area of learning: 
Accessibility in university settings
Typical target learners: 
Disability support staff; faculty and instructors in educational settings, Librarians, administrators that support inclusion and universal design
Learning outcomes of the session
Please list the 3 most relevant learning outcomes by completing the following phrase: At the end of the session the participants will ...
Outcome 1.: 
know more about how to overcome barriers when creating accessible content
Outcome 2: 
learn about practical ways and tools to create accessible media
Outcome 3: 
hopefully be inspired to be positive about working with accessibility
Proposed format: 
Session with Powerpoints and practical examples.
Lecturers / teachers / experts / support figures that will be involved: 
Presenters are accesibility experts and special education teachers
”Il meglio è nemico del bene”, an Italian proverb paraphrased by French philosopher Voltaire goes: The best is the enemy of the good. Where formal accessibility standards may be required when legislating and benchmarking, enforcing stringent compliance regimes may actually be more of a hindrance on the route to creating accessible and inclusive teaching environments – simply because of the complexity involved and the sophisticated (advanced) skills required by content creators. Although full accessibility compliance may be required and have benefits in some situations, providing contents with a decent level of practical accessibility may often outweigh those benefits in terms timeliness, cost and frustration. With decades of experience from formal accessibility audits, remediation of thousands of documents and creation of numerous inclusion technologies, Sensus will suggest paths to more a pragmatic/less dogmatic implementation of compliance and accessibility in order to remove barriers in education.