User Research with Individuals with Cognitive Disabilities and Mental Health Vulnerabilities

Thematic area of learning: 
User Centered Design and User Participation, Cognitive Accessibility
Typical target learners: 
Anyone doing research, producing, or designing product
Learning outcomes of the session
Please list the 3 most relevant learning outcomes by completing the following phrase: At the end of the session the participants will ...
Outcome 1.: 
Have a method they can use for involving individuals with cognitive differences in research
Outcome 2: 
Know more about methods used to measure cognition and cognitive accessibility
Outcome 3: 
Understand why involving users with cognitive differences directly is essential
Proposed format: 
Lecturers / teachers / experts / support figures that will be involved: 
Michal Lahav, Sally Ferguson, Jodie Bradley, David Fazio, Rain Michaels (moderator)
We will cover a range of research techniques that have been put into practice to successfully include individuals with cognitive differences in user research, such as the Scaffolding Method and Pen Portraits. Additionally, we will do a deep dive into an approach to looking at brain wavelengths while interacting with interfaces as a method to research cognitive and mental health accessibility of software applications.