Discover your AT - A web recourse for increasing AT awareness in Further and Higher Education in Ireland.

Thematic area of learning: 
UDL and AT
Typical target learners: 
Educators in FE and HE and Students
Learning outcomes of the session
Please list the 3 most relevant learning outcomes by completing the following phrase: At the end of the session the participants will ...
Outcome 1.: 
Have further awareness of the variety of free and non-free AT tools in Tertiary to help students with many key academic challenges.
Outcome 2: 
Know how to use the 'Discover your AT tool by AHEAD and how to disseminate it.
Outcome 3: 
Have ideas about how to embed this AT tool in kep points of the student learning journey.
Proposed format: 
Lecturers / teachers / experts / support figures that will be involved: 
I will present this solo.
The power of Assistive Technology (AT) is growing in terms of its possibilities and it has become ubiquitous and is embedded in devices and digital eco-systems. Are we at a point where AT is now for everyone and that we can all contribute to the growing awareness about AT for all. How can we all play a part in generating this AT awareness - can we model AT use e.g. like dictation in Google docs in front of a class so all can witness the possibilities of AT? To ignite AT awareness we in AHEAD, we create an online AT tool that simplest the search for AT. As widespread as AT has become, there is still a challenge by students to begin their AT journey so we addressed this with our new online AT tool that makes tailored AT suggestions to encourage meaningful matches to support successful AT experiences -